Message Board -- some images do not display

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Message Board -- some images do not display

Post by den »

For the past two weeks, only some of the 'inline' or 'attachment' images will display in some of the recent message board threads... a particular thread will or will not display all images posted in that thread... and I cannot determine the cause. I use IE9 [default] and Firefox 4 browsers, and both act similarly... both with the latest updates. I also use Microsoft Security Essentials... this is only a recent development... before all posted images both 'inline' and 'attachment' would display in both browsers unless there was a 'broken link'...

For these two typical message board threads/postings:
(1) all images will display:
(2) all images do not display and no 'broken link' warning:

I have posted screen views with the accompanying programming (cyan highlighted) for the threads/postings...
(1) all images will display: ... 3743-1.jpg
(2) all images do not display and no 'broken link' warning: ... 1655-1.jpg

I do not know what changed the web page scripting for (2) so that the images do not display but the file name(s) will... ...and before 06-10-2011 these images would display...

I have done the following resulting in no change:
(1) verified that 'Multimedia - Show pictures' is checked under Internet Options - Advanced
(2) upgraded to Java (TM) 6 Update 26
(3) deleted Browser history/cache and reloaded the web pages
(4) turned all filters on->off->on
(5) turned 'compatibility' off->on->off
(6) no known page 'accelerators' in play unless a less than obvious [at least to me] 'default'
(7) researched recent OS, IE9, and MSE updates for 'known' conflicts - none found

The DL-C message board seems to be the only web pages [why some and not all???] where there are image display issues that I visit on the web.

Any suggestions? There must be some 'simple' setting I've overlooked.
Dieter Mayr
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Re: Message Board -- some images do not display

Post by Dieter Mayr »


Looks for me like a problem in the Forum software or setting.
The Source for the displaying images is:

Code: Select all

 /><div class="inline-attachment">		<dl class="file">
			<dt class="attach-image"><img src="./download/file.php?id=330" alt="high_spatial_frequency_image_data_LCE_400px.jpg" onclick="viewableArea(this);" /></dt>
and for the not displaying images

Code: Select all

<div class="inline-attachment"><!-- ia1 -->25GaussianRGBNoise.jpg<!-- ia1 --></div>
Im not an HTML expert (actually, im far off being one ...) but it loos like in the second code is just the text of the filemane, not a link to it.
Im not able to say if this is a error of the forum software or a mistake when creating the shortcut for the image.

Dieter Mayr
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