For the past two weeks, only some of the 'inline' or 'attachment' images will display in some of the recent message board threads... a particular thread will or will not display all images posted in that thread... and I cannot determine the cause. I use IE9 [default] and Firefox 4 browsers, and both act similarly... both with the latest updates. I also use Microsoft Security Essentials... this is only a recent development... before all posted images both 'inline' and 'attachment' would display in both browsers unless there was a 'broken link'...
For these two typical message board threads/postings:
(1) all images will display:
(2) all images do not display and no 'broken link' warning:
I have posted screen views with the accompanying programming (cyan highlighted) for the threads/postings...
(1) all images will display: ... 3743-1.jpg
(2) all images do not display and no 'broken link' warning: ... 1655-1.jpg
I do not know what changed the web page scripting for (2) so that the images do not display but the file name(s) will... ...and before 06-10-2011 these images would display...
I have done the following resulting in no change:
(1) verified that 'Multimedia - Show pictures' is checked under Internet Options - Advanced
(2) upgraded to Java (TM) 6 Update 26
(3) deleted Browser history/cache and reloaded the web pages
(4) turned all filters on->off->on
(5) turned 'compatibility' off->on->off
(6) no known page 'accelerators' in play unless a less than obvious [at least to me] 'default'
(7) researched recent OS, IE9, and MSE updates for 'known' conflicts - none found
The DL-C message board seems to be the only web pages [why some and not all???] where there are image display issues that I visit on the web.
Any suggestions? There must be some 'simple' setting I've overlooked.
Message Board -- some images do not display
Moderator: jsachs
- Posts: 453
- Joined: April 24th, 2009, 11:47 am
- What is the make/model of your primary camera?: Nikon D700
- Location: Salzburg / Austria
Re: Message Board -- some images do not display
Looks for me like a problem in the Forum software or setting.
The Source for the displaying images is:
and for the not displaying images
Im not an HTML expert (actually, im far off being one ...) but it loos like in the second code is just the text of the filemane, not a link to it.
Im not able to say if this is a error of the forum software or a mistake when creating the shortcut for the image.
Looks for me like a problem in the Forum software or setting.
The Source for the displaying images is:
Code: Select all
/><div class="inline-attachment"> <dl class="file">
<dt class="attach-image"><img src="./download/file.php?id=330" alt="high_spatial_frequency_image_data_LCE_400px.jpg" onclick="viewableArea(this);" /></dt>
Code: Select all
<div class="inline-attachment"><!-- ia1 -->25GaussianRGBNoise.jpg<!-- ia1 --></div>
Im not able to say if this is a error of the forum software or a mistake when creating the shortcut for the image.
Dieter Mayr