PWP7 Workflow - Issue using Album widget to batch print

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PWP7 Workflow - Issue using Album widget to batch print

Post by mark_hay »

I tried out the widget in workflow to generate a PWP Album of jpegs - one picture per 4x6 album page - so I can later print a batch of pictures easily by printing the Album.

However, I found that a mixture of Portrait and Landscape pictures resulted in landscape pictures being cropped and only their central areas reaching the PWP Album pages. (Portrait pictures filed each portrait album page nicely.)

Is there a setting so that the Widget can orient each picture as Portrait in the Album - regardless of whether the original was Landscape?

Thanks, Mark
Posts: 594
Joined: April 2nd, 2009, 11:58 am

Re: PWP7 Workflow - Issue using Album widget to batch print

Post by ksinkel »

Album layout properties lets you orient images either right side up or Best fit. Best fit will orient the images so their long side matches the long side of the template. The other layout parameter you should be aware of is Cropping. You can choose full image or Auto Crop. In the case of the former, no cropping takes place and the full image is rendered. In the latter the image is cropped to fit the template proportions. If you selected Best Fit, cropping is generally minimal.

Kiril Sinkel
Digital Light & Color
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