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Metadata - living hell ?

Posted: June 16th, 2013, 5:23 am
by Winfried
Metadata are quite complicated. Although there is something like metadata is still a mess.
But metadata are needed if you use a workflow containing programs from different vendors (sometimes it is even true for programs from the same vendor).
For example my workflow:
- IMatch for digital asset management
- Photo Ninja, RawTherappee, Aftershot, Pentax DCU4 for converting the raw-files
- PWP to give the last tuning the images

1st example:
I extracted the embedded jpg from a Pentax *.pef file using the Pentax utility.
I would expect to see the the original time in PWP, but I don't.
So I consider this as a bug.
I attach a screenshot and the output from exitftool for the jpg.
Image_Properties_DCU_JPG-1.jpg (33.93 KiB) Viewed 15645 times
Since only 3 attachements are maximum, I will add the output from exittool in the first reply.

2nd example:

I process a *.pef-file with Photo Ninja and create a small jpg (IMGP6825_07_1.JPG) (just the metadata is of concern).
Than I saved this image with PWP as IMGP6825_07_1-1.JPG. Again there creation time of the original photo is gone.
I would this also consider as a bug.
created with Photo Ninja
created with Photo Ninja
IMGP6825_07_1.JPG (92.02 KiB) Viewed 15640 times
saved with PWP
saved with PWP
IMGP6825_07_1-1.jpg (22.18 KiB) Viewed 15637 times
Since only 3 attachements are maximum, I will add the output from exittool in the first reply.

Re: Metadata - living hell ?

Posted: June 16th, 2013, 5:34 am
by Winfried
Here is the output from exiftool:
Output from exiftool
(3 files)
(105.27 KiB) Downloaded 1668 times
Sorry, I had to zip the files, because *.pdf, *.txt, *.doc are not allowed

Re: Metadata - living hell ?

Posted: June 16th, 2013, 11:57 am
by ksinkel
If you have a file whose exif create date is shown incorrectly, please send me the file and I will take a look at it. You can email it to If it is large, please use one of the file transfer services.


Re: Metadata - living hell ?

Posted: June 16th, 2013, 2:08 pm
by Winfried
email sent