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PWP 7.0.6-32 -- Blur - Precise Gaussian (- Chroma Only)

Posted: March 23rd, 2013, 7:05 am
by den
(1) Perhaps the lower left silhouette Mask top selection should be "No Mask" [automatic 100% white] rather than "Select Solid Color" which if selected initiates a Black/White Color Picker dialog that will remain in the work space until closed.

(2) with Auto Preview checked, noticed that after an initial Preview, the transform will re-calculate each time a change is made for the Amount or a change in the black/white slider amounts of an Amount Mask if present. No changes made to Threshold or Radius or silhouette Mask.

Is this necessary if there are no changes made to the Preview image's frame dimensions, zoom factor, and image area sampling (scroll)?

With the re-calculation, one has to wait if "blinking" the transform's Amount with a Shift or Ctrl left mouse click of the Amount Mask button.

P.S. a very impressive and useful blur method... ...thank you!

Re: PWP 7.0.6-32 -- Blur - Precise Gaussian (- Chroma Only)

Posted: March 23rd, 2013, 7:27 am
by jsachs
The Amount control still has an effect on the result so it is normal that it would trigger a preview when you change it. The Amount determines how much of the input image is blended with the blurred image. The other mask determines what parts of the input image contribute to the blurring.

Re: PWP 7.0.6-32 -- Blur - Precise Gaussian (- Chroma Only)

Posted: March 23rd, 2013, 1:29 pm
by den
...if I have an Input image and two masks open in the work space:
(1) what is the purpose of the Mask BW Color Picker dialog if one clicks on "Select Solid Color" in the lower left silhouette Mask drop downs? This dialog will stay open in the work space until it is manually closed. Should not this be the same as the Amount Mask "No Mask" selection, ie, the dialog flashes then closes?
PGBlur_silhouette_Mask_selection.jpg (41.05 KiB) Viewed 5056 times
(2) Regarding updating Auto Previews especially for large blur radius... ...I was hoping that the updating Preview could be more like that for Bilateral Sharpening where the initial Preview includes the blur calculations plus the sharpen calculations plus the Amount blend calculations... ...but Preview will update without re-doing the blur calculation unless its radius and/or threshold [and/or Precise Gaussian Mask] are changed. Is this possible without a lot of re-programming?


Re: PWP 7.0.6-32 -- Blur - Precise Gaussian (- Chroma Only)

Posted: March 23rd, 2013, 3:02 pm
by jsachs
I fixed the "No Mask" problem.

The Amount control change is not in the cards right now.