PWP7.0.5-32bit -- Remap - load a saved file

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PWP7.0.5-32bit -- Remap - load a saved file

Post by den »

Current version of the Remap transform does not load the Chroma and Brightness radii settings from the 'saved' file...

Probe size, Tightness, and ColorPairs [outer/inner squares] load successfully.

Test OPT-Save As file in *.colorremap.txt form:

ColorRemap 1.0
ncolors 8
tightness 0.500
probesize 4
color 0 127 85 85 153 15 15 0.2029 0.2527
color 1 85 127 85 15 153 15 0.2029 1.0000
color 2 85 85 127 15 15 153 0.1981 1.0000
color 3 85 127 127 15 153 153 0.2029 0.4956
color 4 127 85 127 153 15 153 0.2029 0.5044
color 5 127 127 85 153 153 15 0.1805 0.5044
color 6 128 115 107 154 138 128 0.2478 0.5044
color 7 128 64 64 154 77 77 1.0000 1.0000

Resulting OPT-Load Remap transform dialog:
loaded Remap dialog.jpg
loaded Remap dialog.jpg (47.18 KiB) Viewed 3471 times
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Re: PWP7.0.5-32bit -- Remap - load a saved file

Post by jsachs »

Actually it is reloading the values, but it is not updating the sliders. Will fix for next beta.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color