PWP7.0.5-32bit -- Composite Hard Light 16-bit BW images

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PWP7.0.5-32bit -- Composite Hard Light 16-bit BW images

Post by den »

I have been experiencing a miss-match of an APPLY/OK image from the Preview for the Composite-Hard Light transform for 16-bit BW images. This is also true for PWP6.0.10-32bit...

An Apply or OK resulting image does not consistently match its Preview when:
(1) Extract the Luminance [or any other channel] from a 48-bit color image...
(2) Open the Composite-Hard Light transform where Input=Overlay=the Luminance image.
...(a) select Apply/OK with Auto Preview checked and Input Amount=Overlay Amount=100. Preview and the Apply/OK image match.
...(b) change the Overlay amount to be less then 100 and select Apply/OK. The Preview will no longer match the Apply/OK image. If the Overlay Amount is 99.7%, then the Apply/OK image appears "black" or has a HSV-V=0.4%.

If the blend is changed to Soft Light or 24-bit color/8-bit BW images, the Preview and the Apply/OK images will match through the Overlay Amount range 0 to 100%.

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Re: PWP7.0.5-32bit -- Composite Hard Light 16-bit BW images

Post by jsachs »

This should be fixed for the next beta release.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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Re: PWP7.0.5-32bit -- Composite Hard Light 16-bit BW images

Post by den »

Thank you Jonathan...

FYI re how this observation came about... that sometimes to make a BW image version of a 48-bit color image, I will Extract its Luminance channel and either Composite - Hard Light or Soft Light it with itself.

Most times, a low Hard Light Overlay Amount say 20 to 40% will achieve preference crisp/contrasty mid-tones without adding objectionable blocking to shadows/highlights.
