(1) Except for camera make, your Raw File Settings are the same as mine....
However, it seems strange that the Olympus software did such a great job automatically and PWP requires a lot of "help".
(2) The "help" is really PWP's greatest strength as one does not become subject to a software's auto-adjusting algorithms, howbeit, reaching preferences is more manual and perhaps greater understanding of image data manipulation is needed...
Personally, I exit the RAW Dialog with images appearing much like the one you obtained and precede to use the a RGB BrightnessCurve or ColorCurves transform to set white/black points, midtone brightness/contrast, and color with initial curves the same as those suggested... ...then move their control points slightly to obtain a preference tone/color image version.
The curves are my personal preference for making adjustments rather than the sliders of the RAW Dialog or Levels&Color transform.
Should you determine your preferred combination of RAW Dialog settings and BrightnessCurve or ColorCurves curves... this sequence [RAW Dialog + BrightnessCurve/ColorCurves] can be automated with a workflow so that all you would have to do is select a number of RAW image files to which the workflow is applied... they would be 'bulk' processed with your own auto-adjustments, i.e., "help"!!!!
(3) Try this with your RAW file and the PWP5 RAW Dialog... [and the Raw File Settings you previously indicated]...
a) open the browser so that your image RAW file icon is selectable
b) right click on the image RAW file icon; select 'Delete side car file' -- this will delete any previously auto-saved RAW Dialog wfl file associated with the image
c) right click on the image RAW File icon; select 'Open Image in Raw Dialog'
d) there is a downward pointing arrow next to the Apply button of the RAW Dialog, click it and select: 'Reset to Raw Settings' -- the RAW Dialog will remember the last use settings from a previous use and this step will ensure that the RAW Dialog is set to the 'Raw File Settings'.
e) click the 'Gray' tab
f) click the "+" button on the histogram display to obtain its maximum resolution
g) change 'Dyn. Range:' to 'No Change'
h) move the Gamma slider left to 1.00
i) move the Exposure slider until there is a slight gap between the right most histogram vertical bar and right side vertical [100% tone] grid line.
h) reset the Gamma slider to 2.20
i) change 'Dyn. Range:' to 'Full Range' or 'Medium' -- usually 'Full Range' if
no subsequent BrightnessCurve or ColorCurves is needed or planned.
j) move the Midtone slider to a preference -- perhaps between +35 and +50%
k) click on the Color tab; move the Saturation slider to a preference -- perhaps between +10 and +25%
l) click on the 'S & N' tab, set Sharpen Amount = 15% and Sharpen Radius = 40 --
OPTIONAL LCE [you might try 'local contrast enhancement' but my preference to save LCE and Sharpening for later in the post-processing workflow after Raw conversion.
m) click either Apply or OK to create the RAW Dialog converion image.] -- by clicking OK an image associated "*.*.wfl" will be created and the RAW Dialog, though closed will remember the settings when the next 'Open Image in Raw Dialog' is selected for a RAW file with no associated "*.*.wfl" file.
I would be interested to know if the above RAW Dialog setting suggestions above work well for your image.
Steps f) thru i) is RAW - ETTR (expose to the right) that is discussed more thoroughly in the recent 'Best Capture Technique and Processing Tools' message board thread:
RAW file types are sendable/downloadable via
http://www.yousendit.com... if the above gets you where you want to be, then there is no need... you could continue like before posting an image on Picasa if there are further post-conversion questions...