Speeding Up Bilateral Sharpan Adjustments

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Speeding Up Bilateral Sharpan Adjustments

Post by tomczak »

Bilateral Sharpen is awesome in increasing contrast of details while preventing halos at major edges. For it to work, Blur Radius and Blur Threshold need to be properly chosen. They are sometimes difficult to adjust, because the Mean Image calculations are done on the whole image not the Preview portion, and are recalculated each time either one of the two sliders are adjusted - and that may take a while, especially with larger Radii.

One workaround is to:
- crop some small but representative part of the image
- apply Bilateral Sharpen to this crop, and adjust Blur Radius and Threshold (and two other parameters) based on the 1:1 Preview (the Mean Image is computed much faster on a smaller image).
- then, click on the Input Image Icon in Bilateral Sharpen dialog box, and select the original image instead.
- Click OK to process the original image, based on the parameters as adjusted using the cropped portion.
Maciej Tomczak
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