problem - hue curve control point adjustment

Moderator: jsachs

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problem - hue curve control point adjustment

Post by pierrelabreche »

When adjusting a point on the HSV-H curve, the Y coordinate is incorrect after probing.

See the examples below:

Input color blue is mapped to blue by probing.
Outcome :
Blue is mapped to magenta rather that to blue
2024-06-15 PWP problem - hue curve control point adjustment-blue-to-blue.jpg
2024-06-15 PWP problem - hue curve control point adjustment-blue-to-blue.jpg (58.7 KiB) Viewed 351 times

Input color blue is mapped to magenta by probing.
Outcome :
Blue is mapped to red rather that to magenta
2024-06-15 PWP problem - hue curve control point adjustment - blue-to-magenta.jpg
2024-06-15 PWP problem - hue curve control point adjustment - blue-to-magenta.jpg (57 KiB) Viewed 351 times
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Re: problem - hue curve control point adjustment

Post by jsachs »

Fixed for next release.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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