"Perform Pending Mask Operation" Problem When Re-Opening Mask Dialog Box

Moderator: jsachs

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"Perform Pending Mask Operation" Problem When Re-Opening Mask Dialog Box

Post by jfoster »

I came across a problem modifying a mask for a Transformation in a previous Workflow step. Here are the steps to reproduce the problem:

1. Go to a previous Transformation (that uses a mask) in your Workflow and right-click to select Edit Transformation (I noticed it with the Filter Transformation, but not sure it matters.)

2. Re-Open the Mask Dialog Box

3. Make a change to the mask using an operation that requires the "Perform Pending Operation and Update the Transformation" confirmation button to be used. (BUT DON'T PRESS THE "PERFORM PENDIND OPERATION..." button. (I was using the Flood-Fill operation.)

4. Click "Ok" on the Transformation Dialog box

What happens is that the Pending Mask operation misbehaves - the mask updates and the Transformation updates but just for that node of the Workflow (the change doesn't propagate to later nodes). However, if the Workflow in now saved and re-opened the change will exist in the edited node and propagate through the later nodes.

Also, there seems to be a related problem in this area as it pertains to using the Undo function logic. Using the Undo in the re-opened mask dialog box and then hitting the OK box in the Transformation box seems to result in similar unintended behavior.

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Re: "Perform Pending Mask Operation" Problem When Re-Opening Mask Dialog Box

Post by jsachs »

Fixed for next release.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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