Raw Dialog

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Raw Dialog

Post by dhucul »

When I press OK or Apply in the raw dialog box it makes a bunch of adjustments that I do not want. I just want to appy the dynamic range adjustment but I see the box telling me that it is making exposure adjustments etc. How can I shut this off so that it only make the adjustment that I want?
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Re: Raw Dialog

Post by tomczak »

The steps that you see being applied to a RAW file when you press OK/Apply are necessary to 'develop' a RAW into an image that you can see. You may make adjustments to some of those steps (e.g. white point) or add some extras (e.g. noise reduction). When you load a RAW file into the RAW dialog, a minimal subset of these steps is applied to show the preview image, then OK applies all the processing steps without shortcuts to produce an image. All RAW processors do it, even if they don't show the processing details.

If all you need is to develop the RAW and apply Dynamic Range adjustments with all the other sliders on defaults, in PWP File/RAW Settings set 'Contrast' drop box (this is the same as Dynamic Range slider) to what you like and then in the RAW dialog Options, click 'reset to RAW defaults', and click OK. If you don't adjust anything else, the next RAW file you load in the RAW dialog will retain the same settings.

You can also process RAW files in bulk, without seeing the processing behind it. You can use a RAW widget in workflow - this way RAW file will be processed and saved as e.g. TIFF files. You can also use Open Files (or Right Click in Browser/Open Image and Apply Workflow) and choose Apply (RAW) Workflow File (pick the sidecar file that has been created as you develop another RAW file manually - this file will retain all the RAW processing parameters that you used previously in RAW Dialog, for instance your Dynamic Range setting) - this way you will process the RAW file(s) and open them in PWP, ready for further processing.
Maciej Tomczak
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