Odd GUI bug

Moderator: jsachs

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Odd GUI bug

Post by johnp »

OK, I'm a dinosaur and I'm using Windows-8. I'd still be on Win-7 if uSoft hadn't killed it off.

I just downloaded the latest version of PWP, 8.0.111, and the top left icon buttons now blink about once a second.

It's just a quick flash, but it is new and a bit odd. I don't know off hand which was the previous version on this laptop of mine.

I'll try it again with a new machine, but still a Win-8 machine.

Also - Will PWP run under Wine on Linux? I don't ever plan to go to Win-10.


John P
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Re: Odd GUI bug

Post by johnp »

I just fired up my previous working version (8.0.106) and I don't see the flashing icons at the top.

I installed the latest 8.0.111 on my normal photo machine and I *don't* see the flashing icons, so it may
just be an oddity of my older laptop.

John P
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Re: Odd GUI bug

Post by jsachs »

Once a second, PWP checks to see if there is an image on the clipboard and un-grays the Paste icon if so. Normally this is not visible, but for some reason, the display drivers on your laptop make it show up. I will check out the code and see if I can suppress the repaint unless the Paste icon does not change state.
Jonathan Sachs
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Re: Odd GUI bug

Post by tomczak »

It could be related to this previous post. PWP 8.0.126. I just noticed that the text labels on top in PWP Title bar and the Main menu text labels blink once a second between black and gray. I haven't seen it before.
Maciej Tomczak
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Re: Odd GUI bug

Post by jsachs »

I have never seen 1 second flashing here, but I have rewritten some of the code for the next release that might have been causing it.

Personally, I find Windows 10 to be quite stable and it has some important improvements in multiple monitor support and for high dpi monitors.

Don't know if PWP 8 runs under Wine as I have not tried it.

On a related topic, I did recently test PWP 8 on a Mac under Parallels and it worked fine, although the future of Windows running on Macs is in question when they switch to ARM-based processors for their upcoming generation.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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