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Workaround for slow Bilateral Sharpen transformation

Posted: April 30th, 2020, 2:39 pm
by Charles2
Bilateral Sharpen at a large radius takes around 20 seconds to compute on my system. All the other frequently used transformations are speedy.

When modifying transforms in a sequence that has a Bilateral Sharpen at or near the end, the delay becomes tedious. My workaround is to do the Bilateral Sharpen, close it, and recall it (Ctrl-R) when I am "done" with an image. Is there a better workaround?

Re: Workaround for slow Bilateral Sharpen transformation

Posted: April 30th, 2020, 2:54 pm
by jsachs
You can just click the bypass button on the Bilateral Sharpen transformation until you are ready to run it.

If you use one of the newer NVIDIA cards it runs a lot faster using CUDA.

Re: Workaround for slow Bilateral Sharpen transformation

Posted: April 30th, 2020, 5:19 pm
by Charles2
Thank you. I knew there was a Bypass transformation, but I did not know about the bypass button. RTFM yet again.

Re: Workaround for slow Bilateral Sharpen transformation

Posted: May 1st, 2020, 2:16 am
by tomczak
Another idea:


For sharpening, cropping may work better than dowsampling as it will give 1:1 preview, and could be turn off with bypass button quickly as well.