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Text size

Posted: November 21st, 2009, 12:38 pm
by Dieter Mayr

I've created Text in PWP with a font size of 110 pixels, font is Arial.
I now try to determine the text size in points to create matching text with a other program.
The i measured (with the arrow tool) the hight of numbers created with above setting and found out 70 pixel.
Then i measured "dg" , to measure the underline too, to abt 90 pixel.
How does the font size comapre to the measured hights ?
And is maybe a simple factor to calculate the points from the font size in pixels ?


Re: Text size

Posted: November 21st, 2009, 8:34 pm
by jsachs
This calculation is internal to Windows -- I suspect it is based on the nomial dpi of the display. Actual character heights vary from font to font as well.

Re: Text size

Posted: November 22nd, 2009, 2:46 pm
by Dieter Mayr
Thanks, Jonathan
I have done it with try and error to find the right font size in points.
Font is Arial and for a pixel size in PWP of 110 i found a size of 73 points.