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Command Line for Workflows

Posted: August 12th, 2014, 1:46 am
by Winfried
Thank you for implemening this feature request:
It works fine with IMatch 5.
I created a *.cmd file, created a link on the desktop for this *.cmd file and added it to IMatch 5 as an application.

--- *.cmd file -------
"C:\Program Files\Digital Light & Color\Picture Window Pro 7.0\Pw70.exe" "C:\Users\Winfried\AppData\Roaming\Digital Light and Color\Picture Window\Workflows\MoveToDateFolder.wfl" %*

Re: Command Line for Workflows

Posted: August 12th, 2014, 8:54 am
by ksinkel
Thank you for the hint. It's another convenient way of creating interfaces between an application and Picture Window.

One suggestion I would add is that if you modify the MoveToDateFolder.wfl workflow, you should rename he file. The reason is that PWP installs this workflow. This means that your change will otherwise be overwritten the next time you install an update.
