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Re: JPEG Metadata lost intermittently with 5 Jun 2019 beta

Posted: June 22nd, 2019, 3:41 am
by Winfried
Well, the problem still exists for some images.
I did some research and found out that the problem might be caused by a bug introduced by exiftool Apr. 24, 2019 - Version 11.38 and fixed with 11.50. IMatch implemented Version 11.42 for the May-release. So all images I worked on with IMatch 2019 (Version 2019.5.2) seemes to show this problem within PWP. But I am able to fix this.
I don't remember which versions of exiftool PWP8 implemented since Apr. 24, 2009. I guess all images that have been edited with one of the faulty exiftool versions since 11.38 might show this problem.

Problem solved for me.

P.S.: I just found in the Update Log from 4-May-2019
Updated to latest Exiftool version 11.39.