Colour Picker and HSL-L brightness slider scale

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Colour Picker and HSL-L brightness slider scale

Post by tomczak »

This is a bit of an academic question, but I think worth asking:

In the Colour Picker the brightness scale goes from HSL-L = 0 to 50%. To make a colour 'whiter', one needs to manually enter values of L > 50%. Would it make sense to extend the brightness slider scale from 0 to 100% when HSL colour space is selected?

Even if it does, I realise that it is not that trivial as, for example, the colour gradient of the brightness slider and channels' colour patches would have to correspond to 0% <= L <= 100%, and there are probably some other issues, so maybe it's not worth it, but I figured I'd ask...
Maciej Tomczak
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Re: Colour Picker and HSL-L brightness slider scale

Post by jsachs »

The color picker is based on HSV and not HSL -- if it were based on HSL, the center of the color hexagon would be 50% gray and not white.
Jonathan Sachs
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Re: Colour Picker and HSL-L brightness slider scale

Post by tomczak »

Ok, got it. I was using fully saturated colours in HSL space and wanted to bleach them by increasing L over 50% - hence the confusion. I withdraw the question, thanks.
Maciej Tomczak
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