Levels and Color

Moderator: jsachs

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Robert Schleif
Posts: 355
Joined: May 1st, 2009, 8:28 pm

Levels and Color

Post by Robert Schleif »

In 8.0.20, selecting the Levels and Color Tool for a 16 bit image converts the image to 48 bit. Is this intended, and if so, should the user be alerted? After using the tool to brush on some lightening to a 16 bit image that has been converted to 48 bit by the tool, and then selecting OK, about a third of the time all is well, a third of the time part or all of the modifications are lost, and about a third of the time PWP terminates and disappears. I have not seen abnormal behavior when the tool is selected for a 48 bit images.
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Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Re: Levels and Color

Post by jsachs »

Here's how it is supposed to work: The levels and color transformation and tool, when acting on black and white images, tint the output image if the color balance control is set to something other than white. The levels and color tool, not knowing in advance if you are going to tint the image (or if you are going to display the red mask on it) always promotes black and white images to color when in preview mode. When you click OK to save the final image, however, it is supposed to go back and decide if the output image needs to be color or not.

Problem with 16-bit B&W images fixed for next release.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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