Two things on Watermark

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Two things on Watermark

Post by davidh »

If you move the watermark square out of the input image in the split screen preview, it is impossible to reposition it.

1. use Display Input and Preview Side by Side

2. create a watermark on the left image and then drag it to far to the right onto the right image -> the watermark changes to a tiny square that cannot be grabbed and dragged

3. zoom out the previews enough to get the watermark square from under the image -> now the square is visible on the background as a black square, but still cannot be grabbed

3. switch to Display Input preview

4. zoom out the image to find the watermark -> now you are able to grab and drag it

And one more small thing:

In Display Input preview when you change size of the watermark by moving the slider, the transparent watermark square does not change its size. You need to click on it.
This does not happen in either of the two remaining previews.

The Watermark is a nice enhancement. Until now I have been using Composite with a similar effect, but Watermark is more handy for this purpose.
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