Creating Etching Screen Effect

Please use this forum to post bug reports, feature requests, tips, etc. for beta versions of Picture Window Pro 8

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Creating Etching Screen Effect

Post by Hanginon »

Would it be possible to increase the "Grid" Transformation values of the Horizontal & Vertical Divisions (either Major or Minor) to a maximum value larger than 100 ?

This image is with them at 100 - it creates a nice pattern, especially with B/W. If it was finer, it would be similar to etching. Thanks!
Ginger BW v3_result.jpg
Ginger BW v3_result.jpg (44.47 KiB) Viewed 3916 times
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Re: Creating Etching Screen Effect

Post by jsachs »

I increased the max number of grid divisions to 9999 and line widths to 100 for the next release.

You might also want to check out the more powerful Add Texture transformation. Set the Method to Texture File and select a Texture Image. In the Dots subfolder are some predefined textures you can use to get effects like grid as well as others -- or you can create your own textures.

Use the Amount control to dial back the texture and the Scale slider to adjust the coarseness of the texture.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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Joined: July 10th, 2019, 11:06 pm

Re: Creating Etching Screen Effect

Post by Hanginon »

As always, Thank You!
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Re: Creating Etching Screen Effect

Post by Marpel »

As a result of this thread, I tried out the Add Texture transform, and found the Brushed Metal effect on some images to be quite appealing.

However, I found that the images were all getting clipped, especially in the highlight end (zooming in to 100% really shows the effect with the Show Highlight Clipping on).

The first image I tried it on had a dynamic range of 22 - 99.2 (it was just a random image that I chose, that had already been processed to that DR) and the texture result reminded me of Composite > Soft Light or Hard Light, and using the texture image as a mask, where the highlights inevitably get blown out.

I then tried an image that had a DR of 37 - 75, but I found the resulting histogram still had both ends clipped.

Of course, if I reduced the strength in the Texture dialogue, the clipping would be reduced but so would the effect.

As I am, still, unfamiliar with this transformation, I am wondering if there are any suggestions to mitigate the clipping without losing so much of the texture effect.

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Re: Creating Etching Screen Effect

Post by jsachs »

If I remember correctly, the Add Texture transformation lightens the image where the texture is light and darkens it where it is dark. You have two choices to avoid potential clipping:

1) reduce the brightness of the input image before applying Add Texture.

2) adjust the texture image so that it runs from black to mid-level gray -- then it will only darken.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
Posts: 4341
Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Re: Creating Etching Screen Effect

Post by jsachs »

In future versions I may add other options for how to apply the texture to the image to avoid some of the problems you mention.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color