Forgotten warning message in Clone ?

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Forgotten warning message in Clone ?

Post by davidh »

use a workspace script of a branch with a Clone tool step (I used Lighten only, Linked)
I usedd: crop, resize, clone, etc.....

use File Open - Select Files and replace the top level image with another one

crop a different part of different dimensions from the image

reopen Clone -> you get the message Clone input image does not match original image dimensions.
click OK and check the dimensions -> the are OK

deleted the old Clone thumbnail and replac it with a new Clone step -> you get the same warning message.

click OK and reopen the Clone dialog -> no warning message any more
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Re: Forgotten warning message in Clone ?

Post by jsachs »

Clicking OK updates the command line so the previous input image size is replaced by the current image size. Thus the error message is not repeated.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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Re: Forgotten warning message in Clone ?

Post by davidh »

I must revise and correct what I ment to say hastily with so many typos as I see now .

1. create a branch with Crop transformation and somewhere below it Clone Tool transformation set to One to One (not Linked as mentioned above)

2. go to Crop, change the shape of cropping rectangle and Click OK -> as the branch processing gets to Clone you get the warning message for the first time - that is good as this is a usefull warning

3. reopen Clone transformation -> you get the warning for the second time - that is OK too

4. click Clone OK to update the commad line -> you get the warning for the third time - that, I think, is a bug

5. reopen again Clone transformation -> you will NOT get the warning this time

6. click Clone transformation OK again -> you WILL get the warning again

7. repeat the steps 5 and 6 and you will always get the warning when you click Clone OK

The same problem happens after you load a different image using File Open command.

Neither of this happens with the Linked cursors - I overlooked I had both in the branch, first One To One followed by Linked as currently the combined cursors cannot be used together at one Clone step.
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Re: Forgotten warning message in Clone ?

Post by jsachs »

I think this was fixed as a side effect of fixing other problems, but let me know if you are still seeing the issue.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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Re: Forgotten warning message in Clone ?

Post by davidh »

As already mentioned in another topic the message Clone input image does not match original image dimensions now appears wherever Clone transformation is added or inserted, even just after the top level image with no geometry transformation preceding.

1. open a top level image
2. add Clone -> you get the warning message
3. Click OK or close the message -> Clone is added to the branch and the dialog opens

The other problems with seem to have been fixed.
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Re: Forgotten warning message in Clone ?

Post by jsachs »

I am guessing that at some point you created a default settings file for Clone and that is what causing the error message since when the file is loaded and parsed PWP compares the image size from the settings file to the input image size and issues a warning if they do not match.

It turns out a default clone settings file is almost useless since it re-applies whatever cloning was done to the previous image to the current image and this seldom makes sense even if the images are the same size. The saved command line is however critical for script files when you need to re-play the cloning strokes to regenerate the cloned image. Furthermore, the settings file restores the brush settings from the last stroke actually applied to the image so it is not a good way to save the initial brush settings either.

What I am thinking of doing is to add, for those transformations that use brushes, a default brush settings file so you can configure the initial brush settings which is probably what you were trying to do by creating a default clone settings file.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
Posts: 836
Joined: June 9th, 2009, 2:16 am

Re: Forgotten warning message in Clone ?

Post by davidh »

You are right. Some time ago I created some default settings. I wanted to have some of Radius, Transparency, Mode and Cursors. But, if I remember well, they were not saved or at least loaded on opening the dialog, because, as it tured out, it was necessary to include some strokes as well.
Then I completely forgot about it.

Anyway, now I Cleared Default Settings and the warning message is gone.