CloneToolOnClonedSideBranch1a-1.jpg (28.83 KiB) Viewed 4566 times
CloneToolOnClonedSideBranch2a-1.jpg (29.1 KiB) Viewed 4566 times
These images hopefully are readable. The workspace file is attached in zip format. When I exited PWP 8 and restarted with the workspace file, only the erroneous cloning result appeared in both branches.
It looks like this can be caused by leaving a transformation located above the splitter open so its result is not yet propagated through the image tree. When you click OK on the open transformation, the differences disappear.
I'm still thinking about how to fix this, possibly by forcing a recalc of all the branches of the splitter after cloning the side branch and not just the new branch. Or possibly by forcing you to close all the transformations above the splitter.
Let me know if this is not the cause of the problem you are seeing and I will investigate further.
Not sure. I've seen it a few times though. The first time I thought it may have been an optical mouse glitch, but is seems to be PWP Clone Tool specific.
When I have seen it I was using a high transparency value, and was repeatedly cloning over an area with differing source locations.
On a maybe related note. My Speck Removal tool has stopped working completely. It worked once following the use of the clone tool, but now there's no tool appearing. I exited PWP and restarted it. I re-booted the PC. I even uninstalled PWP 8 and re-installed. Nada.
Missing Speck Removal Tool.jpg (32.32 KiB) Viewed 4534 times
As shown in this screen-shot, the Tool window appears, but doesn't interact with the image.
1) Click on the title bar of the Speck Removal dialog box to activate it.
2) Unlike Paint and Smudge, you have to Shift-Click on the image to create a new point. Unshifted click is used to select existing specks so you can reposition them.
3) Unlike Clone, you click on the input image and not the output image.
Shift-clicking seems to work. Thx. Might be imagining it, but it seemed to work without that at some point.
Another bit of feedback. On PWP 7 the Speck Removal tool was my go-to for reducing face wrinkles in portraits (selecting a path along the wrinkle, using Lighten Only option, and clear skin each side of the wrinkle). Is there a way to have the PWP 8 Speck Removal tool work on a stroked region like a face wrinkle?