Transformations question: Apply vs Ok

Please use this forum to post bug reports, feature requests, tips, etc. for beta versions of Picture Window Pro 8

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Transformations question: Apply vs Ok

Post by BobP45 »

I'm used to the way Apply vs Ok worked in PW 6 and 7. I very often need to crop individual persons out of a large group picture into separate images. In the past, I opened the Crop transformation, put the box around the first person's head and shoulders and hit Apply. This gave me an unsaved image of the first person. Then keeping the transformation open, I moved to box to the next person, hit apply, etc, until I was finished and for the last person I hit Ok. I then had separate image files for each person in the group, which I could then save. The PWP 8 beta no longer lets me do this in this manner, or I'm too stupid to find the other images. All I can see in the browser is a thumbnail for the last image for which I hit Apply or Ok.

How can I do this just as easily in PWP 8? Thanks.

BTW - it would be nice in the browser to see at a glance which images I have saved, without having to right click each thumbnail and select Image info. I keep looking in WIndows explorer to be sure I didn't forget to save an image after the transformation(s).
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Re: Transformations question: Apply vs Ok

Post by jsachs »

The equivalent process in PWP8 is to create a side branch for each crop you want to perform on the same image. One way to do this is to start by cropping the image once and clicking OK. Then right click on the cropped image in the image browser and select Clone Side Branch. This inserts a splitter just below the original image and makes a copy of the crop transformation in the new branch. To edit the cropping rectangle in the second branch, just double click on it. To create additional side branches, repeat the process by right clicking on one of the Crop transformations and cloning a new branch.

I'll think about adding some kind of visual indication in the image browser that an image has been saved.

Apply in PWP 8 just lets you propagate changes from the current transformation to any others that depend on it without having to close the transformation.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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Re: Transformations question: Apply vs Ok

Post by BobP45 »

Thanks Jonathan, works fine.

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Re: Transformations question: Apply vs Ok

Post by doug »

I have not used PWP 8 yet but have been following this forum almost daily because I am fascinated by the de-bugging process and appreciate a "peek under the tent" about what I can look forward to when I do adopt.
Based on this question and some others I have seen, I suspect that a guide for how some familiar PWP processes can be replicated in PWP 8 will be useful.
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Re: Transformations question: Apply vs Ok

Post by jsachs »

Most of the transformations are quite similar between 7 and 8 - the big differences are in the image browser and there is a big section on this in the tutorial PDF which is probably the best place to start. The help file also has a lot of useful information on getting started.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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Joined: April 24th, 2009, 10:06 am
What is the make/model of your primary camera?: Nikon D-500
Location: Toledo, Ohio USA

Re: Transformations question: Apply vs Ok

Post by doug »

Thanks, Jonathan.
I don't know when I will pull the trigger on moving to PWP 8. But this is a good reminder to (as they say) RTFM. And your user manuals and guides are among the best. For example, the background info in your DoF program exceeds anything I have seen for similar applications.