Frame - the cropping rectangle does not reset

Please use this forum to post bug reports, feature requests, tips, etc. for beta versions of Picture Window Pro 8

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Posts: 836
Joined: June 9th, 2009, 2:16 am

Frame - the cropping rectangle does not reset

Post by davidh »

the cropping rectangle will not reset after any of the Opening Size method (Image - Base Size on) is used. It has to be done manually on the input image.

any of the first three methods
then any of the last three methods
then again any of the first three methods -> the cropping rectangle does not reset

One more remark:
the Color picker has no longer the eyedropper. I wonder why, because it was very usefull especially when you needed to match the frame with some color in the picture, or to pick a color as a basis for the frame color.
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Re: Frame - the cropping rectangle does not reset

Post by jsachs »

There is a general problem of figuring out what happens to mouse clicks, drags, etc. in the image area. This varies depending on what control or dialog currently has control of the event stream.

There are no more eyedroppers in PWP8 -- instead you just click on the color picker to restore its probe, transformation dialog to restore its overlay and overlay manipulation, curve control to restore its probe, etc. In effect the entire color picker is now an eyedropper. I am fixing some minor bugs in this right now where it did not respond to clicks on the title bar in some cases.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
Posts: 836
Joined: June 9th, 2009, 2:16 am

Re: Frame - the cropping rectangle does not reset

Post by davidh »

..the cropping rectangle will not reset after any of the Opening Size method (Image - Base Size on) is used. It has to be done manually on the input image. ..

I forgot to mention that it can be also restored using the command "Restore the croping rectangle only" in Frame Setting menu.
Posts: 836
Joined: June 9th, 2009, 2:16 am

Re: Frame - the cropping rectangle does not reset

Post by davidh »

... instead you just click on the color picker to restore its probe,... In effect the entire color picker is now an eyedropper...

You are right. I overlooked that the color picker window was not active when I was clicking about the image, and since there was no eyedropper I thought that it had been removed.

This solution of the entire color picker being an eyedropper is much better because I have been forever forgetting to push down en eydropper which had always got pushed up. :)