Probes interact for multiple dialogs in display & Misc

Please use this forum to post bug reports, feature requests, tips, etc. for beta versions of Picture Window Pro 8

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Probes interact for multiple dialogs in display & Misc

Post by den »

Ref: msi 180403

Probes for Readout; Color Curves; Mask-Color Range/Brightness Curve can interfere with each other when probing Input and Preview images [dual display] if open [in display] at the same time..., transform or tool does not remain the active one when selected.

1) open an image in work space, color 48-bit, 4896x2754, tiff

2) open a transform, Color Curves

3) open Readout Tool noting:
...3a) did not remember last PWP session Settings
...3b) works well on 'Zoom to fit' Input image workspace display
...3c) pointer icon sometimes difficult to see in image areas with high contrast, small detail; smooth image areas -- okay
...3d) Probe range is not limited to Input image workspace display, readings will change when Probe scans Browser, Color Curves dialog, and program frame display areas
...3e) would it be possible to add a 0 to 255 range to Settings? Curves and Color Curves files use this range for control point locations

4) leftclick on the Color Curves transform and shift-leftclick for a curve Control Point on the Input image, Readout will become 'active' and the Control Point will not be added to Color Curves which becomes de-activated. Display changes to Input – Preview dual view.

5) open a New Mask - Color Range or Brightness Curve, make settings or try with is Probe, with Readout still in display the Probe will respond to ????

6) click on Color Curves to use its Probe... ...again there is confusion as the Probe reverts to Readout?

7) Readout will not sample Preview in Input-Preview view mode

8) Readout will not sample Input unless Mask is set to Clear

9) Readout does not seem to change displayed values with changes to Settings during a given Readout session

10) Opening Histogram will close Readout and vs.

11) Would it be possible to change to ‘Hand-grab’ when in 1:1 or more zoom dual display mode rather than use the Preview horizontal and vertical frame scroll

Not sure I got everything... too confused. Hope the above makes some sense and acts as a starting point. There is a lot going on.

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Re: Probes interact for multiple dialogs in display & Misc

Post by jsachs »

3) The readout tool was not designed to retain its settings between sessions. I fixed the problem where you could probe outside the main image area, and added a Display 0..255 option to the Settings menu for the next release.

10) The scroll/readout/magnifier/histogram modes are mutually exclusive by design to keep the windows from obscuring each other and to make it less confusing which one is active.

To re-activate the probe for a curve, you need to click somewhere on the curve control and not on the dialog box containing it. Theoretically a dialog box could contain more than one control that has a probe. I did also fix a problem where clicking on the title bar of the readout, magnifier or histogram tool was not activating it, although clicking elsewhere in the window was working OK, so this may have added to the confusion.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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What is the make/model of your primary camera?: Canon EOS-350D/Fuji X100T
Location: Birch Bay near Blaine, WA USA

Re: Probes interact for multiple dialogs in display & Misc

Post by den »

You are right... ...I will generally/habitually click on a Transform's/Tool's title bar so as to not inadvertently make any setting changes to activate/move that specific Transform/Tool dialog thinking this also would also activate its Probe.

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Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Re: Probes interact for multiple dialogs in display & Misc

Post by jsachs »

The hand-grab feature is already there, although it seems not to be work correctly right now. As someone else recently requested, hold down the Alt key while dragging at it will revert to scroll mode, regardless of which window or control owns the probe. Will work on letting the readout tool access both halves of the split screen.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color