All Good Things Come to an End

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Re: All Good Things Come to an End

Post by AFlowerday »

Not entirely surprised by this announcement; but nevertheless saddened. It has been and still is a great piece of software - for which thank you Jonathan & Kiril
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Re: All Good Things Come to an End

Post by JvdW »

I struggled with Photoshop for several years, its way of working never lined up with my way of thinking. In 2010 I decided to look for an alternative and played around with every piece of photo editing software I could find. On the website of Norman Koren I learned about PWP. Using PWP was a relief, I still enjoy the simple fact that the user interface is totally consistent throughout all commands, once I learned the basics, the rest was easy. As an engineer I was also very pleased with the extensive library of very comprehensive white papers.

Thanks for creating PWP, it helped me to be a better photographer,
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Re: All Good Things Come to an End

Post by rfuerman »

Thank you ! DL&C from a long time user. Best wishes for the holidays & a Happy New Year to you & my fellow PWPers !
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Re: All Good Things Come to an End

Post by MarcelM »

From Holland, also many thanks for your work and support.
Over the last few years, I've been more and more moving to Photoshop to be honest, but I'm still using PWP for some things.
And I will keep using it for JPG- or TIF-formats because (and I've never worked in a darkroom) the "darkroom-like" and almost "analog" approach just feels logic to me.

Good luck to you all!
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Re: All Good Things Come to an End

Post by Jeanpierre »

Dear Jonathan, Kiril,

Thank you very, very much for providing us and supporting us with your wonderfull tool I have been using for many years with great pleasure and gratitude! I always have felt being part of a special group who knew they had something at hand which no other "tool", photo-editing software company could deliver upon. In particular my Adobe PS colleagues who still think they have it all :-)

Altough I can fully understand your motives/reasons for "calling it a day". I fear however the day that a future Windows version will no longer be able to support the current PWPro version, forcing me to switch. But that"s life I guess.

Again, thank you very much for all your efforts during these years to give us a unique tool to support our passion, bringing our images to "life" in a way no other tool could do.

I wish you all the best, a happy New Year, health and prosperity, and I hope that you will have the energy and stamina to surprise us again with a successor of PWP!


Jean-Pierre Roché
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Re: All Good Things Come to an End

Post by Atucker »

Jonathon, Kiril:
It has been a great ride. I have been using since v3.5 and likely will continue for a long time. Thanks so much,
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Re: All Good Things Come to an End

Post by Marpel »

Having been tied up with other things (Christmas included), I have been out of the loop and unable to comment, until now, on the latest PWP developments.

Over the years, I have used/tested a lot of image editing programs and, although I do use NX-D for raw processing and a bit of CS6 for a few other things, I have come to rely on PWP for the majority of the things I do (a lot of image compositing and manipulation which go well beyond the basic image processing that an average photo would need) and it has been my "go to" program for a long while. Couple this with the unsurpassed support from members of this forum and the principles of this company and I will admit I was very disheartened when I read Jonathan's notice to close down further production of the current PWP (although I do not, in any way, challenge that decision).

However, I am buoyed by Jonathan's intention to develop a brand new PWP, and I hope that endeavour is successful.

Regardless, I want to echo the comments of others over the quality of the PWP product through its' various iterations and the commitment by Jonathan and Kiril (and whoever may be in the background) in their support of that product.


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Re: All Good Things Come to an End

Post by SDStanley »

I first saw Picture Window on PBS's "Computer Chronicles" with Stewart Chefet (spelling?), probably early nineties. I was amazed by the Clone Tools and others which were demonstrated, and bought Picture Window Version 2 shortly thereafter. I was using V7 when I read the announcement, and look forward to many more years with Picture Window.

Thank you all so very much, Mr. Sachs and the PW team.
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