Text at 45 degrees ?

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Text at 45 degrees ?

Post by Bernard »

I need to put some text on an image.
The text should be at 45 degrees, not horizontal.
How can I do that ?
Dieter Mayr
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Re: Text at 45 degrees ?

Post by Dieter Mayr »


Make a mask with your text at the desired orientation and location:
Create a 8 bit BW image with your text in horizontal position.
Rotate it 45 degrees with Crop/ Add border, you can enter the degrees there directly.
Create another 8 bit BW image exactly the same size as the image you want to put your text in.
Composite the rotated text into your mask image at the desired location (you can rotate the image here too, but you cant enter a degrees value).
You can use various methods of puting your text in your original image, like Paint with the mas active in Mask tool, Composite with a solid colour image, redice brightness to 0 for a black text etc.
Consult the Text Effects white paper for more details.
You can user either white text on black background or black text on white background, you just need to take care how you adjust your amount sliders for the mask.

It's a bit of work but you have a lot of possibilities to create text ths way.
Dieter Mayr
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Re: Text at 45 degrees ?

Post by Charles2 »

I read Dieter's recipe but did not really understand it; however, but it stimulated me to this recipe, which is probably the same procedure:

(This puts white text on a dark image. The final step explains how to modify the text color.)
1. Create a new white window the same size as the image.
2. Put your (horizontal) text in black on it with the Text transform.
3. Composite: the empty new window is the base, the window with text is the overlay. Composite with rotate/shift/scale.
4. Convert the rotated text window to 8-bit BW so that it can be a mask.
5. Composite: the image is the base, the rotated text window is the mask but use it inverted by setting the white slider to 0%, the black one to 100%. The overlay is the empty white window (or an empty window of desired text color). The operation is Lighten, Darken or whatever works.

Screen capture of final step:
Screen capture
Screen capture
text_example.jpg (126.29 KiB) Viewed 5790 times
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Re: Text at 45 degrees ?

Post by jsachs »

Here's a third way:

1) Rotate the image you want to apply text to using Transformation/Geometry/Level -- enter 45 degrees for the angle and select the third button on the tool bar so the image is not cropped
2) Use Transformation/Text to apply the text to the rotated image
3) Rotate the image back using Transformation/Geometry/Level with an angle of -45 degrees
4) Crop off the extra black border around the image
Jonathan Sachs
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Re: Text at 45 degrees ?

Post by Charles2 »

Your middle name must be Occam!
Here's a third way
Posts: 43
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Re: Text at 45 degrees ?

Post by Bernard »

Thanks all !
I used Jonathan's method, of course it works, but it's a bit tedious, and I wonder if you do not loose some quality by rotating two times by an angle not multiple of 90.
Would it be possible to add a rotation directly in the text transformation ?
Dieter Mayr
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Re: Text at 45 degrees ?

Post by Dieter Mayr »

I have done a test with rotating a image twice, 45 degrees in one direction and back to it's original orientation.
With a Composite of both images as Input Images and overlay - Operation: Subtract one can show any difference, if both images are exactly the same the result should be all black, a Window - Count Colors gives 1 in the ideal case of no difference.
In my example I have got a Color Count of about 7000, and differences on edges can be clearly seen even at a 1:3 view of the image on screen.
Dieter Mayr
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