I was working on a 6000 X 6000 image (plain white background 48 bit TIFF colour) and using the Line and Arrow tool to draw multiple straight lines radiating out from the lower left corner. Everything worked fine until I tried to place a line angled across to the opposite, upper right, corner. Rather than just leave a single line, the program placed a wide (like very wide, perhaps a hundred pixels) line across the top of the image and the same thing across the bottom of the image (without the other lines already placed, it looked like a Z with the top and bottom lines connected to and much thicker than the angled line).
I tried the same corner to corner straight line again on a fresh image (without any other lines) and the same thing occurred. I tried it again on a smaller size image (3000 x 3000) and the line worked correctly as it should. It appears the line tool is limited to image sizes less than 6000 x 6000 but I cannot be sure as when I tried to determine the size limit by using a 5000 x 5000 image and working down in size, every time I tried to make a line, PWP crashed, so I eventually gave up.
The same Z pattern occurred when I tried it on a 6000 x 6000 48 bit TIFF digital photo so it appears to be size and not content related. Due to the constant crashing of PWP, I did not try it on the lower right to upper left corners, so don't know if it would be the same results.
Line and Arrow tool issue
Moderator: jsachs
Re: Line and Arrow tool issue
I can confirm this, including the crash on the image 5000 x 5000. The crash seems to be bound to drawing the diagonal only from the upper right corner, as a single one (even with no other lines in the image) will bring the PW down while it is possible to draw many if nor unlimited diagonals from any other corner.
As regards the Z in the 6000 x 6000 image the thickness of the unwanted top and bottom lines seems to depend on the distance of the beginning and/or end of the line from the proper corner points.
As regards the Z in the 6000 x 6000 image the thickness of the unwanted top and bottom lines seems to depend on the distance of the beginning and/or end of the line from the proper corner points.
Re: Line and Arrow tool issue
This has been fixed for the next maintenance release.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
Digital Light & Color