Reset Remapped Colors - Posterize

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Reset Remapped Colors - Posterize

Post by davidh »

Starting with the fifth color the Reset Remapped Colors causes unwanted changes in the original (input) colors - whether or not the check box Remap Colors is ticked. Besides, any small change to one of the input colors followed with Reset Remapped Colors usually triggers another changes in some of the colors. It looks a bit it tries to set all colors to the same one.
There does not seem to be any apparent pattern in the color changes but number of colors and their positions will play some roles.
In this way, with the Remap color ticked, the reset of the remap color is not made to the input color prior the reset but to the new one. Again, I found it impossible to tell which colors will be affected.

Also, it seems that a remap color can be reset only if its input color palette is closed and it must be in the uninterrupted series of closed palettes starting with the first one. This is rather awkward because to reset, for example, the forth remap color you must close all input color palettes from the first up to the fourth including.

Jonathan, is there any reason the input color palettes must be closed for reseting remap colors?
Recently I suggested an option to reset individual remap color by closing its color palette followed by Reset Remapped Colors command, but that showed unrealistic for the time being. Perhaps, the current solution was meant as a step towards this option? If so, it was the remap color palette that would be closed not the input color palette. If not, sorry for coming up with it again - it is not meant to urge.

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Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Re: Reset Remapped Colors - Posterize

Post by jsachs »

There were several serious problems with Posterize most of which were accidentally introduced when converting to multitasking. None of them had anything to do with whether or not a color picker was open. Hopefully, they should all be fixed for the next release.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color