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Posts: 836
Joined: June 9th, 2009, 2:16 am


Post by davidh »

After some playing with the reset option in Posterize ...
With color pickers closed, reset always removes all color rectangles except the first two default ones and always resets the first two colors to black and white, which is OK.

With color pickers open, reset always removes all color rectangles except the first two default ones and always resets the first color to black (default?) and the second remains whatever it it had been changed to, which is OK.

As more colors rectangles are added back by the color counter (with their color pickers closed), they remember their previous values so virtually no reset had been performed except for the first two colors, which is less OK. It is clear that they have to have some color but is should not be the same colors they had been reset from. They might be the colors based on the image analysis as if chosen by auto palette or so.

With Remapping it is similar. Only the first two mapped colors are reset to their original pair the rest remember their values prior to reset.

The real need is mainly for the option to reset remapped colors to their original values. So perhaps another reset option "Reset only remapped" might solve it. It would not nothing more then reset all the existing remapped color pickers and rectangles to their pair's values. If the option to reset individual remapped colors (e.g. by right mouse button click) is out of question, a sort of compromise might be to reset only those remapped colors whose color pickers were not open when the reset was done. The rest would read their values from the open color pickers.

Posts: 4296
Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Re: Posterize

Post by jsachs »

This has been fixed for the next release.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color