PWP7.0.6-32-bit -- File/Preferences-Default Preview "Auto"

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PWP7.0.6-32-bit -- File/Preferences-Default Preview "Auto"

Post by den »

Rather hurriedly went through the Transformations with Default Preview set to "Auto" in Preferences and two images (one "active") in the work space resulting in no Preview image or checks in the Auto box of the transform dialogs for:
(1) Match Reference
(2) Difference
(3) Stereo -- may need the second image
(4) Composite
(5) Stack Images

Posts: 4296
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Re: PWP7.0.6-32-bit -- File/Preferences-Default Preview "Auto"

Post by jsachs »

These transformations all require additional information in order to produce a useful preview so auto preview is intentionally disabled initially.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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What is the make/model of your primary camera?: Canon EOS-350D/Fuji X100T
Location: Birch Bay near Blaine, WA USA

Re: PWP7.0.6-32-bit -- File/Preferences-Default Preview "Auto"

Post by den »

Thought that might be the case.

Would it be a difficult to have the Auto Preview [if this a Preference] become available for this class of transforms when the user supplies the needed 'additional information' entries sufficient to at least present a partially useful Preview?

It would save the user a mouse shift and a click to check the Auto box.


After more consideration/thought, I realize what prompted the transformation auto-preview survey.

It was initiated from using the Composite and Stack Images transforms. These two are not as needful for additional infomation as the others and seem to get used most often, at least by me.

I would find it useful [perhaps others depending on their workflow preferences] to activate their Auto Preview:
(1) For Composite at default settings, this would result in an 100% white Preview image unless there is an 'active' Amount Mask applied to the Input image; and
(2) For Stack Images at default settings, this would result in a Preview at 100% Input Image 1 unless there is an 'active' Amount Mask applied to Input Image 1.

Would anyone find this confusing if it occurs? It would eliminate a mouse move and left click in using the transform if Auto-Preview is a preference.
