WindowsXP/7/8 32/64? Is XP still a valid option?

Moderator: jsachs

Dieter Mayr
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Re: WindowsXP/7/8 32/64? Is XP still a valid option?

Post by Dieter Mayr »

jsachs wrote:I use the 64-bit version for everything but scanning.
Thanks Jonathan, I guess I will do the same.
Dieter Mayr
Posts: 95
Joined: September 27th, 2010, 7:18 am
What is the make/model of your primary camera?: A850

Re: WindowsXP/7/8 32/64? Is XP still a valid option?

Post by alain »

Definitly win 7 and if possible 64bit.

BTW. I use the 32-bit pwp to see the image without softproof setting while I work inside the 64-bit version with the softproof option on.
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