Saving masks with workflows

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Saving masks with workflows

Post by tomczak »

I find that saving history workflows is super-useful (if I don't forget doing it), since the image can be 're-developed' at will, and it makes the processing undestructive, adding just a small workflow recipe. There is an issue that I have with masks though (it has been mentioned in passing elsewhere).

1) the mask seem to be saved within the workflow as an uncompressed TIFF file - it makes the workflow really large sometimes. Would compressing the mask to say jpg JPG or compressed TIFF (there is a good chance of making many masks much smaller this way) or PNG or GIF before embeding it in a workflow file be a good idea or possible at all?

2) it happens to me that I made unnecessary mask during the processing, and I have to save it with the workflow. I haven't figure out a way yet to 'clean' the workflow off the mask (i.e. preserve the workflow and the widget settings, but get rid of the unneeded mask that makes the .wfl file much bigger than it could be). Is there a way of doing it?
Maciej Tomczak
Posts: 594
Joined: April 2nd, 2009, 11:58 am

Re: Saving masks with workflows

Post by ksinkel »

To remove a mask from a workflow, reopen the transformation using the mask and remove the mask. Then click OK to re-execute the workflow. Then save the workflow again.

There will be additional options for creating masks and saving them as we continue to evolve workflows.

Kiril Sinkel
Digital Light & Color
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