The other day I was tweaking a few images for a friend in a rush.
This particular image, I decided, would benefit from the 3 zone transform.
Once started I soon realised that the 2 zone transform would have been a better choice - but, in my rush, I cheated by putting the two sliders very close to one another, as shown (not very clearly) below.
I emailed the result of my tweaking to my friend who commented on 'mist' that he had not noticed in his original image.
Below are the original image and the tweaked one. Look at the extreme left and right of the horizon.
I tracked this down to my mis-use of the 3 zone transform. Below is an exaggerated version of the effect - or there would be but it seems I can't add a fourth image.
So, any time you want to create a weird horizon you now know what to do!
A Cautionary Tale - Use the Correct Tool!
Moderator: jsachs