Color Management "Monitor Profile" Resets to Zeoro

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Re: Color Management "Monitor Profile" Resets to Zeoro

Post by JayF »

Hello Minolta:

Glad to hear I am not alone (although not glad to hear you have a software glitch).

Yesterday, I set-up the PWPro Color Management dialogue, including my Huey monitor profile, then I used the "Save As..." command in the Color Management dialogue to saved that set-up as "HueyMonitor" (the resultant file was named "HueyMonitor.clrmgmt").

Then I closed and re-opened the Color Management dialogue, hit the "Load..." button and selected HueyMonitor.clrmgmt. The Huey Monitor profile appeared in the refreshed Color Management dialogue, and it is still there as I write this.

It is too early to say that the problem is solved because this (for me) has been an intermittent problem. However, it might be something for you to try. I will post to this thread again in a week or so to let you know how this worked-out for me.

Cheers! Jay
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Re: Color Management "Monitor Profile" Resets to Zeoro

Post by jsachs »

PWP will reset any profile it cannot locate when it starts up. If the Huey software is deleting and recreating its profile and you happen to start up PWP before the profile has been recreated, it would get reset. I don't know if this is what's happening but it's the only scenario I can think of that would have the effect you describe.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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Re: Color Management "Monitor Profile" Resets to Zeoro

Post by JayF »


Just an update on this Huey Monitor Profile issue.

Last week after I read jsachs post, I switched-off the Huey "Room Light Compensation" and reset my Huey monitor profile in the Color Management dialogue. I did not recalibrate my monitor last week either (which I do every 14 days). Over this past week or so, the Huey monitor profile remained as the selected monitor profile in the Color Management dialogue.

Note that in the following descriptions, I assume (perhaps wrongly) that PWPro software sees a "color profile" "file date" change as the indication that the file has been changed.

Two days ago, I opened the "system32/spool/drivers/color" folder on my hard drive and noted the date associated with the Huey Monitor Profile. I then switched the "Room Light Compensation" to "on", waited for the Huey indicator lights to cycle and then opened the PWPro Color Management dialogue. The Huey monitor profile was still selected (it had not "disappeared"). I closed, then re-opened PWPro - the profile was still selected in the Color Management dialogue. I rechecked the date of the Huey monitor profile in the "system32/spool/drivers/color" and it had updated to the current date/time.

I tried that same test today and this time, the Huey monitor profile was not the selected Monitor Profile (the drop-down window was blank) in the Color Management dialogue.

Today I also conducted a Huey, monitor re-calibration routine (after first noting the date associated with the Huey Monitor Profile). On completion of the calibration, the Huey monitor profile in the "system32/spool/drivers/color" had updated to the current date/time. I then opened PWPro and checked the Color Management dialogue - Huey monitor profile was still the selected monitor profile.

A short time later, I rechecked the PWPro Color Management dialogue and noticed that the monitor profile window was blank. I opened my Huey control panel and found that the "Room Light Compensation" had been reset to "on". I discovered that, if you switch "Room Light Compensation" to "off", it will be reset to "on" whenever you conduct a calibration routine.

So, it seems like the "Room Light Compensation"/monitor calibration is a factor, but, there is some other component at play.

For now, I will leave the "Room Light Compensation" switched to "off" and I will check the Color Management dialogue each time I recalibrate my monitor.

Thanks again for all the assistance.

Cheers! Jay
Posts: 13
Joined: April 26th, 2009, 8:54 am

Re: Color Management "Monitor Profile" Resets to Zeoro

Post by JayF »

Hello Again

I just now noticed that the "color profile description" name (the names which appear in the monitor profile drop-down window) changes each time the monitor is calibrated (either by room light comp or manual calibration). For example, mine changed from "huey D65 G2 2 A 18.96" to "huey D65 G2 2 A 18.98" to "huey D65 G2 2 A 0.00" etc etc.

So, that is likely what PWPro sees as an indication of change...not the file date.

However, the actual color profile file name (as listed in the "system32/spool/drivers/color" folder) does not change when the monitor is calibrated:

"huey Dell U2410 C592M01S4M4L.icc"

Is it possible to change the PWPro Color Management dialogue so that the color profile "file name", and not the color profile "description", is selected in the monitor profile window? That way, monitor calibration would not affect the selected profile descriptor.

Cheers! Jay
Posts: 4341
Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Re: Color Management "Monitor Profile" Resets to Zeoro

Post by jsachs »

Yes, PWP uses the description and not the filename. It would be a major change to do otherwise and this is also how most other color management programs work. Also filenames are frequently cryptic.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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