Advance Sharpening for the web

Moderator: jsachs

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Advance Sharpening for the web

Post by tonygamble »

I need a bit of extra sharpening for my jpgs going into my web folders.

I am assuming a batch using Advance Sharpening is as good a solution as any.

Do any of you wizards have a favorite setting for this sort of work?
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Re: Advance Sharpening for the web

Post by jsachs »

Assuming you are exporting your images to jpeg and downsizing them for the web, something as simple as setting Sharpen to Light or Heavy in the Export transformation dialog box may be all you need.

If you want to add more sharpening or have more control over it, I would use Multipass Sharpen with something close to the default settings. To vary the amount of sharpening, adjust the Threshold slider for pass 1 while watching the preview. There is a document on using Multipass Sharpen that you can read for more info if you want to dig a little deeper.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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Re: Advance Sharpening for the web

Post by tonygamble »

Thanks Jonathan,

Good to be back. I use Luminar to convert my RAWs and come back to PWP for the special work. I may have a go at RAWs here again.

My web folders are done with Juicebox as, at the time, it was all I could find that provided swipe. Maybe there are other alternatives now but at the ripe age of 85 I am reluctant to change.

But the web folders are soft and Juicebox has no sharpening in the workflow. Hence my plan to run PWP over my ex Luminar jpgs before letting Juicebox do its bit.

I'll follow up your suggestions tomorrow. You'll remember I am a GMT chappie and now is sundowner time!

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Re: Advance Sharpening for the web

Post by tonygamble »

That Multipass suggestion worked brilliantly.

I'll pop a small folder on the web shortly in case anyone is interested in the comparison.

PWP wins again!

Posts: 161
Joined: April 26th, 2009, 7:00 am

Re: Advance Sharpening for the web

Post by tonygamble »

Where can I find the default settings for Multipass Sharpening please.

I have read the .pdf but there is no screen shot for Pass Three. There are two for Pass One and they are different.

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