print layout

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print layout

Post by rfuerman »

PW 8.0.429 + 447. Created a layout with panels & images to print. Haven’t done this for a while so it wasn’t clear where to go next. So after meditating a bit, I click the [Print] button on PW main window. This brings up standard Windows print dialog; no preview. Layout dlg goes away. Don’t want to hit [Print] button since that will generate blank page. After trying a few things, it turns out that one does hit [Print] button on Windows print dlg to open layout print dlg. Only purpose of the windows print dlg is to select printer?
Suggest: a) Layout dlg should have a [Print] button on toolbar; most users create a layout for printing; b) can you put a preview in the Windows print dlg so we can see it is doing something; c) Help for layout should include print instructions. d) Layout print dlg should have the [Print] button to be consistent with Windows dlg. Thx.
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Re: print layout

Post by jsachs »

Layout is used for many things other than printing, so I would not want to add print-specific features to Layout. Print simply prints the current image, so you just click OK on Layout to create an output image and then use File/Print to print that image just like any other image.

The Print command works in two stages -- first you select the printer and optionally printer properties using the standard Windows Print dialog box. I have noticed the Windows has recently changed the way the Print dialog works, at least for some printers, by hiding the Properties button which is now under More Settings. Once you click OK on the Windows Print dialog box, the PWP Print dialog box comes up which lets you make additional settings specific to Picture Window such as image scaling, orientation, margins, printer profile, printer curves, tiled printing, number of copies, etc. This dialog box has a preview.

Much of this is described in the help file under Commands/File Commands/File Print.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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