issue with cloning between images???

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issue with cloning between images???

Post by johnp »

I'm trying to clone between two images and it mostly looks fine. The issue
I appear to have is if I hit the 'undo' button, it seems to loose track of one of the images.

If I hit 're-do' things cleanup and both the source and destination images re-appear.

It seems easy to demonstrate.
- start the clone tool
- select the 'source image'
You now see the source image on the left, the destination on the right. The title line
for each image is correct
- pick the source point in the source image and copy some pixels to the destination
This works.
- now hit the 'undo' button
Only the destination image is now shown.
- hit the 're do' button
Both images are back

You can get the source image to come back by re-entering the source image name.


John P
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Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Re: issue with cloning between images???

Post by jsachs »

When performing an undo of a stroke to a new source image, the state is restored to before when you selected the source image. There was a problem which I fixed for the next release in that the Source Image control was not cleared in this case. Regardless, you need to re-select the source image after an undo if you want to continue cloning from it.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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