(non)Sequential file naming

Moderator: jsachs

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(non)Sequential file naming

Post by Marpel »

First, I must mention, while reading some of the Help topics, I discovered "File Collapse". Wonderful way of maintaining the file name in certain situations where only a minor tweak to an image is all that is done (rather than naming it a "version name", then having to go find the initial image and delete it, which I found to be a pain). Anyway...

Speaking of sequential file naming, I often have a ton of open images, where I composite with a mask or various blend modes and will "Save As" quite often through a tree, with names not a "version" of the top image. However, I then often run into confusion when trying to figure out which image is the next in line, because the last image in the tree always borrows the name of the top image, with a sequential version number, and not the name of the most recent in that tree. I find it difficult to name it after the most recent, because that image does not have its saved name in the title.

In case, I am not properly explaining - image 1 > make a change > Image 2 in the tree > make a change > Image 3 in the tree, and so on. If Image 2 was "Saved As" with a completely different name, the Browser Thumbnail title does not show that new name nor does it show if one were to click on it to view in the workspace. If farther down the tree (say 5 more changes) I wish to "Save As" an image with a title related to Image 2, I either have to remember that images title or open the folder where I saved it to and read the name, because the suggested name will be a sequence of the top image in the tree.

As I often have a lot of open images in numerous trees, It becomes real hard to keep track of image titles. Obviously, under most situations with a single tree and a couple of changes, the name(s) are relatively easy to recall.

So, is there a way for each "Saved As" image to have its name somewhere in the Browser thumbnail title or if hovering over that images thumbnail, it will show its "Save As" name?
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Re: (non)Sequential file naming

Post by jsachs »

Not sure if this answers your question, but if you select File Info for a saved image's thumbnail it tells you both the original filename and the name you saved it under.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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Re: (non)Sequential file naming

Post by Marpel »

Thanks Jonathan,

Did not know this, and it does help. Will be giving it a try.
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