Cloning/Synchronising PWP Settings to/between two computers

Moderator: jsachs

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Cloning/Synchronising PWP Settings to/between two computers

Post by tomczak »

If PWP is installed on two computers, what is the easiest way to a) copy all the settings, saved scripts, etc. from one installation to the other at first, and b) try to synchronize changes between both installations when using them interchangeably?

p.s. There is the Create Portable Installation option under Help, which, if I remember correctly should be able to do the copying, but I'm not sure if that's the best way to go.
Maciej Tomczak
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Re: Cloning/Synchronising PWP Settings to/between two computers

Post by jsachs »

Most of the settings are stored in My Documents/Picture Window Pro, but a few others are stored in C:\Users\<name>\Appdata\Local\Picture Window Pro. These include Preferences, Color Management settings, and information saved and reloaded between sessions. These are separated because you are likely to want different settings on different computers.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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