Suggestion for creating brushes

Moderator: jsachs

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Suggestion for creating brushes

Post by pierrelabreche »

The menu File could have an additional built-in item "New brush",
Whereby :
  • the pixel sizes defaults to 2000 by 2000;
  • the image type is 8-bit Grayscale -- or 16-bit?
  • the image color is black
  • the grid is a polar circular grid with N=2
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Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Re: Suggestion for creating brushes

Post by jsachs »

The current File menu is very crowded and barely fits on a low resolution display.

You can set the File New defaults to this or save the File New settings as a named file which you can reload. Alternatively, just create a brush image that is all black and load it when you need it (saving as LZW TIFF will create a very small file). The grid is a global setting and should probably not be included.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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