I am trying "gray balance" as a way to brighten or darken the midtones. Any traps with this procedure:
I open the image in PWP 5 and open Color Balance. If I like the auto balance, I OK it and re-open Color Balance. Then I click to Use this saved .cb settings file:
Code: Select all
ColorBalance 2.0
autowhite 0
autoblack 2
probesize 1
curpt 2
npts 3
pt 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
pt 1 1 128 128 128 98 98 98
pt 2 1 255 255 255 255 255 255
Incidentally, what does the 1 parameter preceding the pairs of color trios represent? Are the formats of .cb and other settings files documented?
Alternatives are to adjust saturation and brightness, on the whole image, in the Midtone tab of the 3-Zone Adjustment transformation, or with Color Correction using a brightness-based mask of the midtones. -- Can anyone comment on the implications of color theory for these alternatives versus "gray balance"?
I often expand dynamic range when there is room on the HSL-L curve. Are there reasons to do gray balance before or after such expansion?
Here is a resized pair where the only difference is that gray balance was used to darken the midtones in one of the images.
With gray balance:
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4061/453 ... 7e25_o.jpg
Without gray balance
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2697/453 ... 8475_o.jpg