Full Screen functionality

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Full Screen functionality

Post by tomczak »

If the Full Screen is activated either from the Edit menu or by pressing Ctrl-F, the preview window expands to the whole screen and the full image is fit to the screen's boundaries, even if it was zoomed differently in the preview window. Is that how it should be? I was thinking that keeping the preview window zoom (and perhaps displaying a bit more of the image in the full screen to keep the zoom) could be quite useful.

Also, there is a mention of using the arrow keys in the Help file, but I'm not sure if I understand how they are supposed to work - they seem to move between top images if a few are open.

And the last comment: ctrl-F is easy enough, and there is a right-click shortcut to Full Screen in the preview window, but still takes 3 clicks to open the right-click menu, click on Full Screen, and then click somewhere inside the image to return. Maybe a toggle button on top could make it more nimble?
Maciej Tomczak
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