After Creating an Edge Can just the edge be saved

Moderator: jsachs

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After Creating an Edge Can just the edge be saved

Post by avman598 »

After creating an edge, can just the edge be saved as a JPG. What I am doing is attempting to do is to scan or photograph a woodworking molding knife for baseboards and importing it into a router CNC program to allow me to cut a sanding form to sand the baseboard. I also want to install the baseboard by coping the corners instead of cutting miters, Th knife I am scanning/photographing is used to mill the baseboard. Thanks, Wayne
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Re: After Creating an Edge Can just the edge be saved

Post by jsachs »

What you need is a program that converts images to vectors that a CNC machine can use as instructions. Picture Window does not do vector operations, but programs such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop (commercial) or Inkscape (free) support this. If you google raster to vector you will see a lot of others as well. For example, see: ... n_software
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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