Pull down menus and length

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Pull down menus and length

Post by tomczak »

I use a fairly small screen to edit images. I recently mentioned in another post that the Transformations pull-down menu is becoming long (e.g. as compared with PWP7). I just realized that the File and Edit menus are getting even longer...

I mostly know where to find things, but even then it takes me a while to choose the menu items I want. With the Transformations menu, Quick Pick works well to avoid fishing inside the actual menu items.

I'm not really sure how to make it swifter - grouping will always be controversial at one level or another, and also may not help to find things faster.

Also, in Edit menu, there are 3 items that are also in Script menu - 'Save Workspace...'. Should they be there?
Maciej Tomczak
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