Cumaltive mode for paint tool

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Cumaltive mode for paint tool

Post by Kjell »

Is there any way to add up opacity in masks with multiple strokes with a transparent brush? When I tested Photoshop Elements this was possible, and I think it's very useful.
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Re: Cumaltive mode for paint tool

Post by JML »

Having the mask paint tool be cumulative with multiple clicks would be extremely useful. The paint tool and clone tool both work that way -- only the mask paint tool does not.
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Re: Cumaltive mode for paint tool

Post by den »

This may not be strictly OT for this thread but the following techniques may be what you would ultimately be doing with an accumulating Mask Tool - Add/Subtract Paint Brush capability [possibly making Technique (3) easier]...

...The following three dodge-burn painting techniques are currently possible with PWP4 or later:

(1) Composite-Softlight/Paint Tool - soft-sided White/Grey/Black Brushes of specific tones and varying tranparencies;
(2) Composite-Softlight/Misc Tools - soft-sided midtone mode Lighten/Darken Brushes [accumulating using multiple strokes or clicks and varying tranparency]; and
(3) Composite-Softlight/Mask Tool - soft-sided Add/Subtract Brushes of varying transparencies on an initial 50% gray solid tone 'active' mask.

The workflow setups are similar for all three techniques and Technique (3) is described in detail here: ... 1207209217

These techniques take a bit of practice and depend heavily upon one's artistic recognition of photo-realistic lighting and painting ability of an image's main visual elements.
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