Progress behind the scenes

Moderator: jsachs

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Progress behind the scenes

Post by jsachs »

While it may appear that I have been gone for a few weeks, I have been hard at work changing the way the mask tools work. No changes to the tools themselves, but with the new version it is much easier to experiment with settings such as the blur or feather radius, color range, flood fill threshold etc. without having to undo and redo each time.

This change turned out to have a lot more unintended consequences than I expected when I started out and I have been testing and fixing problems with the new code for the last week or two. Hopefully, I will be ready to upload a new version in a day or two. In spite of extensive testing, there are likely to be a few bugs that slip through. Consequently, with the next release it may be a good idea to keep a copy of the installer for the previous version around just in case you run into a problem with no immediate workaround.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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