ICC Colour Prifiles: filename vs. internal profile name

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ICC Colour Prifiles: filename vs. internal profile name

Post by tomczak »

I'm always confused with the two, and often they are different and different software show either one or the other.

Two questions:

Within PWP seems to be showing filenames (e.g. in Colour Mgmt Preferences or in Change Profile). Is there a way of finding what the internal name is somewhere within PWP (or showing both or toggling them somehow)?

Is there an easy way of renaming the internal names of the profiles?

I think I answered my own last question - http://tlbtlb.com/links/
Maciej Tomczak
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Re: ICC Colour Prifiles: filename vs. internal profile name

Post by jsachs »

PWP always goes by the internal profile name and not the filename.

PWP 7 had a button in the Color Management dialog box that let you print a list of all the profiles with their filenames and internal names along with some other information about each one.

Changing the internal name is tricky as it requires moving all the fields around within the profile if the new name is not the same length as the old name. Also, the internal name is normally (except in some older profiles) embedded in both an ASCII and a Unicode versions.
Jonathan Sachs
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Re: ICC Colour Prifiles: filename vs. internal profile name

Post by tomczak »

Thanks. I was wrong - PWP does go by internal profile description, not the file name. But I mentioned my confusion...

The software I linked to above does seem to be able to change internal profile names. And PWP7 list of profiles button is quite helpful in decifering what's what.

Thanks again.
Maciej Tomczak
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