Grid and Grid

Moderator: jsachs

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Grid and Grid

Post by Marpel »

If I use the Grid Transform, I can place lines on the image and save the image with those lines as permanent.

If I use the Grid button, it appears those lines are not permanent, even if I do save as and make a copy of the image with lines included. If I re-open either of those images, the grid lines are present but as soon as the grid is changed, it changes or deletes the lines in both the original image as well as the copy. And if I open either image in another program, the lines in both images disappear, even if no changes are made in the other program, when re-opened in PWP. So, as probably designed, the lines appear to be temporary, but permanent as long as the image remains unchanged, within the PWP realm.

I expect I know the answer already but, is it possible to make the grid lines permanent to the image, as is possible in the Grid Transform?

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Re: Grid and Grid

Post by jsachs »

The Grid button is like the camera function that superimposes a grid on the image in the viewfinder, but that grid is not part of the image. The Grid transformation creates a grid that is part of the image.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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Location: Port Coquitlam, British Columbia

Re: Grid and Grid

Post by Marpel »

Thanks for the explanation.
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